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Training Division

Training Division

The Division is responsible for providing training and capacity development programmes, and courses in wildlife conservation and management and related disciplines and award diplomas and certificates. In order to perform the above functions effectively, the division will be organized into three (3) Departments as follows: –

Academic and Curriculum Development

The Department is responsible for provision of leadership in the development and implementation of education plans, policies, programs and curriculum activities; ensuring educational development of learners and the professional growth of staff of the institution; development and implementation of the institution’s strategy, work plans and budgets, and oversees the operations of the institution.

Examinations and Certification

The Department is responsible for coordinating and ensuring quality management in admission of students, administration of examinations and assessments, grading of examinations and issuance of academic certificates.

Students Affairs

The Department is responsible for providing social programs and support for students at the Institute.Programs include: Guidance and Counselling services, Sports, Clubs and Societies. There is also an active Alumni Association and a Trainee Council.Programs include: Guidance and Counselling services, Sports, Clubs and Societies. There is also an active Alumni Association and a Trainee Council.

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